Course curriculum

    1. Trailer to Introduction to Master the Bandhas

    2. Welcome to Master the Bandhas

    3. The 3 Gates (Psychic Knots) - The Granthis

    4. Introduction to the Body Locks (Bandhas)

    1. The First Gate (Psychic Knot): Brahma Granthi

    2. Mulbandh (Root Lock) - The Master Key

    3. Mulbandh (Root Lock): Exercise 2

    1. The Second Gate (Psychic Knot): Vishnu Granthi

    2. Preliminary Exercise For Uddiyana Bandh

    3. Uddiyana Bandh (Diaphragm Lock)

    4. Uddiyana Bandh (Diaphragm Lock): Exercise 2

    1. The Third Gate (Psychic Knot): Rudra Granthi

    2. Jalandhar Bandh (Neck Lock)

    1. Mahabandh (Great Lock)

    2. Doei Shabd Kriya

    1. Stage 2

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 18 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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