Course curriculum

    1. Vision Quest Trailer

    1. Introduction To This Course

    2. What Is A Vision Quest

    1. Preparation

    2. Choosing The Location

    3. Camp Boundaries

    4. Length Of Your Quest

    5. Fasting

    6. What To Bring

    7. Using A Fire/Candle

    8. Water

    9. Distractions

    10. Documenting

    11. Opening and Closing

    1. Intention: Questing Questions

    2. Who Am I?

    3. Where Am I Going?

    4. Where Have I Been?

    5. Where Am I Now?

    1. Conscious Dialogue

    2. Mantra

    3. Soul Singing

    4. Poetry

    5. Exclaiming

    6. Meditation

    7. Visualisation

    8. Breath

    9. Releasing Energy Locks

    10. Self Parenting

    1. Getting Into The Physical Body

    2. Emotional Body

    3. Pain Body

    4. Shadow

    5. Ego

    6. The Root: Weeding Out

    7. Rooting Into Being

About this course

  • $99.99
  • 49 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content


Professional Wizard, Shaman, Kundalini Yogi, Mystic and Spiritual Coach Mark Keane

Mark TJ Keane, following a personal awakening in 2003, has been practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini Dance, Shamanism, Wizardry, Magic, Mysticism, Advanced Meditation and many Spiritual and Esoteric subjects. He is pioneering his own re-imagined forms such as Shamanic Dragon Yoga and Ancient Egyptian Serpent Shamanism. He is co-creator of Kundalini Clubbing in the UK since 2014. He teaches in person globally and has thousands of students in every country in the world.

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